Tip of the month

Plan your round Fail to prepare, Prepare to fail July 22, 2024 7:26 am

I always drilled into my daughters the old adage of the 5 P’s, Perfect Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. They used to hate me saying it, but in golf, like most sports, it unfortunately is very true. If you plan your round, you will perform better. Now, I know you don’t have the time like the professionals and their caddies do... View Article

Pat Gilham physio Exercises for dealing with outer hip pain July 19, 2024 7:44 am

World of Golf London’s resident physiotherapist, Pat Gilham, takes you through some simple exercises to deal with outer hip pain Pat Gillham, Director and Specialist Golf Physiotherapist, Driving Performance Golf Ltd, based at World of Golf London pat.gillham@drivingperfgolf.co.uk

positive thinking on the golf course Avoid the self fulfilling prophecy! June 1, 2024 5:05 pm

Expect Failure and you Rarely Disappoint Yourself This is one of my favourite mantras. I only wish I was as good at adhering to it as I am at advising on it. How many times have you stood on the course, looked at the water hazard in front of you and thought: “I bet I smack this ball into that... View Article

Stay in the moment Stay in the Moment May 1, 2024 7:49 am

Stay in the Moment This is one of the great pieces of advice for sports people. In football it is always, take one game at a time and in golf it really is take one shot at a time. I have certainly many times been guilty of thinking “all I have to do is to par this hole ….” And... View Article

Wedge practice Remember to bring your wedge February 5, 2024 10:59 am

We are getting closer to the start of the golf season. The evenings are drawing out and hopefully you are getting some good work on your golf at the range.  Here’s a big tip: don’t forget some wedge practice during this pre season brush up. It doesn’t matter if you are Rory McIlroy or newly enthralled with the game. At... View Article

golf improvement lessons Golf improvement lessons – a success story January 5, 2024 11:27 am

We love a success story here at World of Golf and Richard Ogle has certainly had a very successful golfing year in 2023. Richard has taken advantage of the incredible value that our group golf improvement lessons offer. The classes run for 6 weeks and each class is for an hour. There is a maximum of 6 people in a... View Article

Beginners Golf Lessons Now is the time to hone your game January 4, 2024 8:51 am

This is a tantalising time of the year. We are well past the shortest day and those balmy summer evenings playing 9 holes after work are on the horizon. But the prospect of the coldest month of the year, February, is looming large. This year, why not get ahead of the game and get your golf sharper before the weather... View Article

top of backswing Quick fixes for topping the ball August 3, 2023 9:02 am

This is more the domain of the novice golfer, but it can happen to anyone and is very debilitating to your score. Here are my quick fix tips for topping the ball.  I advise doing them in the order suggested till the problem stops. Stand closer to the ball. Let your arms hang vertically down from your shoulders and then... View Article

Fix a golf hook Quick Fix for Hooking July 1, 2023 10:11 am

If I open with the statement that I like hookers, I might get in trouble! Let me qualify that by saying, I like people that hit their golf balls to the left with curvature. For left handers, this would be …. to the right with curvature. Why do I like them? Well, these rare beasts are simple to cure as... View Article

Pat Gilham physio Warm up before you tee off June 21, 2023 6:18 am

Why should you warm up before you tee off? Well, you might be interested to know that 86% of low-handicap players warm-up before they hit balls, compared with only 29% of high-handicap players?  Not only will a warm-up reduce your risk of injury, it can increase your carry distance by 4 yards, and driving accuracy by 6 yards. That could... View Article