More flexibility means more rotation

October 1, 2022 12:55 pm

Did you know that the pelvis and torso rotate to approximately 49˚- 98˚ in the backswing? If this isn’t achieved, it can lead to a shorter backswing. Compensations include lifting the arms more, standing out of posture, more wrist cocking, or bending the lead elbow. This can reduce the quality of contact on your ball, as well as reducing your carry distance.

How do you prevent this happening? The answer is to improve your rotational flexibility.

Repeat this easy routine 3-5x per week to see improvements!
(Each 6-8×3 reps with resistance of 7-8/10 effort level)

You can increase your flexibility with these three simple stretch routines. All you need is a bit of space, a resistance band (one shown is from Core Zone) and a suitable fixing for you to attach one end of the resistance band to.


Want to find out more? Pop and see me at the range and I’ll show you.

By Pat Gilham, Specialist Golf Physiotherapist – Driving Performance Golf (based at World of Golf London)

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